Wednesday, March 14, 2012

not well but busy

Today I felt like ... well not good, but I did make brownies (I had to, you understand? I HAD to.) from scratch with real butter. MMMMMM
and I made little heads and am cutting out bodies for 3 more little critters. I redid the faces on the first 3 and they all have hair and little white knickers. Yay.
annnnnddd there will be a "Little Critters" page for photos
aaannnnddd there will be a "CATS" page for all of those thousands (maybe not) of pictures of the owners of this place that I have taken.

Then there is all that knitting I have to do and the Crayon bunnies that I have to finish for my sis and her fairy.
hmmf and now I just feel tired.


  1. Great photo! tails crossed.

    HUGS and do stop by and say hello,


  2. thanks Lorraine, I will do that.

  3. Those look like some happy cats. :~) Makes me smile to see their tails crossed, like holding hands, only not.

  4. Jan, I love it too. They actually do it quite often. I don't know if it is like little kids keeping the other one from doing something or not. LOL
